IMAG0580Statewide Geotechnics undertakes landslide risk modelling and assessments in accordance with the Australian Geomechanics Society, 2007. Landslide Risk Management Guidelines. A landslide risk modelling and assessment may be undertaken on a single block or a complete subdivision.

Landslide risk modelling and assessments may be required by a purchaser prior to purchasing land or by a current owner who plans to undertake a use or development on the land. The risk of landslide does exist in Tasmania and can impact on your ability to use or develop your land.

Under the new interim planning schemes across Tasmania you may be required to address the E.3.0 Landslide Code in submitting an application to Council to use or develop your land. Statewide Geotechnics can undertake a landslide assessment of your land and provide a detailed report which addresses the E3.0 Landslide Code.